29 Apr 2011

ISO Tank Container

11 Singkatan Pada ISO Tank Container

`   ISO tank container.what??

 istilah itu begitu asing ketika pertama kali mendengarnya. Apalagi pas melihat wujud bendanya. Ada banyak singkatan yang sama sekali saya tidak tahu.

Tapi itu dulu. Kini seiring bejalannya waktu, singkatan yang tertera pada ISO tank container sudah tidak asing lagi, dan rasa-rasanya hampir setiap hari mempergunakannya. Nah, kini giliran saya berbagi dengan anda. Ya, anda yang sama sekali belum pernah mendengar, melihat atau baru sepintas lalu mendengarnya.

Tapi sebelum membahasnya, akan lebih baik kalau kita samakan dahulu persepsi kita tentang ISO tank container. Menurut answer.com, ISO tank adalah istilah yang dipergunakan untuk menjelaskan kontainer baja berbentuk pil, berstandar ISO (international standards organization). Pada umumnya ISO tank berkapasitas maksimum 25,000 liter, dan biasa dipergunakan untuk mengangkut produk food-grade sampai bahan kimia berbahaya atau bahan kimia B3.

Namun, perlu diingat bahwa setiap negara memiliki regulasi masing-masing mengenai ISO tank container ini. Jadi, ada beberapa singkatan yang anda temukan di satu ISO tank akan tetapi tidak anda temukan di ISO tank lainnya.

Oke. Sekarang saatnya kita bahas satu-persatu singkatan-singkatan yang biasa tertera pada ISO tank container. Oh ya, untuk memberi gambaran yang nyata kepada anda, saya tampilkan sebuah gambar ISO tank container di bawah ini.

  1. MGW: Maximum Gross Weigth

  1. ADR: Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road (Eropa)

  1. RID: Regulations Concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail (Eropa)

  1. DOT: Department of Transportation

  1. AAR: Association of American Railroads

  1. CAP: Capacity in liter

  1. MAWP: Maximum Allowable Working Pressure

  1. IMDG: International Maritime Dangerous Goods

  1. IMO: International Maritime Organization

10. CSC: Convention on Safe Containers

Origin of the Bali Strait

In earlier times in the kingdom there lived a Brahmin who Daha benama Sidi Mantra very famous miracle. Sanghyang Widya or Guru presented him property and a beautiful wife. After years of marriage, they have a child who they named Manik Angkeran.

Although Manik Angkeran a handsome and clever young man but he has a bad character, ie like gambling. He often lost, so he had risked his parents' property, even owe to others. Because they can not repay the debt, Manik Angkeran asking for help his father to do something. Sidi Mantra fasted and prayed for the request for help to the gods. Suddenly he heard a voice, "Hi, Sidi Mantra, in the crater of Mount Agung is a treasure that a dragon guarded the Dragon bernarna Besukih. Go there and ask that he wanted to give a little treasure. "

Sidi Mantra went to Mount Agung to overcome all odds. Arriving at the edge of the crater of Mount Agung, he sat cross-legged. As he rang the bell he cast a spell and called the name of Naga Besukih. Not long kernudian the Dragon out. After hearing the purpose of his visit Sidi Mantra, Dragon Besukih writhing and scales out of gold and diamonds. After saying thank you, Sidi Mantra excused himself. All property that gets given to Manik Angkeran in the hope that he will not gamble anymore. Of course not long after, the treasure was gone for a bet. Manik Angkeran once again asked his father for help. Of course Sidi Mantra refused to help anakya.

Manik Angkeran heard from friends that the property was obtained from Mount Agung. Manik Angkeran know to get there she must cast a spell but he never learned about prayer and mantra. So, he just brought the bell which was stolen from his father when his father slept.
Having reached the crater of Mount Agung, Manik Angkeran gentanya ring. What a fright he was when he saw the Dragon Besukih. Having heard the purpose of his visit Manik Dragon Angkeran, he said, "I will give the property you wish for, but you must promise to change kelakuanmu. Do not gamble anymore. Remember the law of karma. "

Manik Angkeran fascinated by gold, diamonds, and jewels in front of him. Suddenly there are evil intentions that arise in his heart. Wanting to get more treasure, with lightning speed when he cut the tail Dragon Dragon beputar Besukih back to the hive. Manik Angkeran fled immediately and not overtaken by the Dragons. But because the magic dragon, Manik Angkeran burned to ashes during the Dragon licked his tracks.
Hearing his son's death, heartbreak Sidi Mantra unspeakable. Soon he was visiting the Dragon Besukih and begged that their child was revived. Dragon tail menyanggupinya origin can return to normal. With its miracle, Sidi Mantra can restore the Dragon tail. After Manik Angkeran turned on, he apologized and promised to be a good person. Sidi Mantra know that his son had repented, but he also understands that they are no longer able to live together.

"You have to start a new life but not here," he said. In the blink of an eye he disappeared. In the place he stood arise a water source that grew so great that the sea. With the wand, Sidi Mantra makes the line mernisahkan him with his son. Now place it into a strait that separates the island of Java, Bali with Bali island.


Tourism in Bali
1. Hot Water BanyuWedang 
  BanyuWedang  Hot Water comes from the hot springs which emerge at the beach. This hot water is under water at high tide. It is the largest source of hot water, safety of concrete buildings made in the form of a circle that serves as a dike. This hot water contains sulfur with an average temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. Because of the relatively high sulfur content, hot water is believed to be widespread even to the island of Java, because hot water can cure some diseases especially skin diseases. Not surprising that many people who come to this place with the hope the disease can be cured. 

 2. Hot Water Penatahan District / City:
Tabanan Hot Water is located in the village district Penatahan Penebel + 13 km north of Tabanan town 34 km from Denpasar with beautiful natural scenery and the right and left field against a background of the staircase the steps. Hot springs are located on the banks of the river Yeh Ho and hot water Penatahan by people in familiar with the name Yeh panes. Based on the results of research from the Ministry of Health laboratory, hot water is excellent for bathing because it contains sulfur and other minerals which are very good to cure skin diseases. 

 3. Dusun Kuning Waterfall District / City:
 Bangli In the southern part of about 6 km from the town of Bangli, Bali Taman Village there is a waterfall. As it is located in the village of Dusun Kuning village is a waterfall called Yellow. This waterfall is located at an altitude of 25 meters above the surface soar River which flows to the south. This location can be achieved with various types of transportation and of this small village can be reached by foot as far as 500 meters. Cold regions with cool air combined with green leaves enhance the charm of a natural waterfall. And not far from this place there is a forest inhabited by hundreds of monkeys.

 4. Waterfall Singsin District / City:
 Buleleng During summer, the road to a little waterfall climbing is a fun activity to activity "trekking". Located not far from Lovina area, even within walking distance of Lovina, making this object visited by many waterfalls not far from this Singsing, there are monuments Netherlands. To reach these attractions can be reached by vehicles up to the majors village Tigawarsa To reach the second waterfall that is located higher to go through a steep road. 

5. Alas Kedaton District / City:
Tabanan Alas Kedaton located in the village of Marga Subdistrict Steady + 4 km from Tabanan city. This temple has two very interesting uniqueness. The first has four entrances into the temple that is from the west which is the other main entrance of the North, East and South from which all go into the central courtyard. The uniqueness of the second is a page in which is the holiest places precisely located lower than the central courtyard and the outside. The shrine is surrounded by woods inhabited by a group of monkeys are considered sacred. Beside that also there is a group of bats that live suspended in the branches of large trees and at times flying, is a very interesting attraction for tourists both for tourists and foreign Archipelago. Piodalan ceremony in this temple is falling on a Tuesday (Anggara Love) modern day twenty days after Galungan. Which meant the ceremony begins at noon and should be completed before sunset. This temple is often called Pura Dalem Alas Kedaton or heaven.

28 Apr 2011

Sleep strategy commonly used by night nurses throws off their circadian clocks

Sleep strategy commonly used by night nurses throws off their circadian clocks

Water Molecules Characterize the Structure of DNA Genetic Material

Water molecules surround the genetic material DNA in a very specific way. Scientists at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) have discovered that, on the one hand, the texture of this hydration shell depends on the water content and, on the other hand, actually influences the structure of the genetic substance itself. These findings are not only important in understanding the biological function of DNA; they could also be used for the construction of new DNA-based materials.

The DNA's double helix never occurs in isolation; instead, its entire surface is always covered by water molecules which attach themselves with the help of hydrogen bonds. But the DNA does not bind all molecules the same way. "We've been able to verify that some of the water is bound stronger whereas other molecules are less so," notes Dr. Karim Fahmy, Head of the Biophysics Division at the Institute of Radiochemistry. This is, however, only true if the water content is low. When the water sheath swells, these differences are adjusted and all hydrogen bonds become equally strong. This, in turn, changes the geometry of the DNA strand: The backbone of the double helix, which consists of sugar and phosphate groups, bends slightly. "The precise DNA structure depends on the specific amount of water surrounding the molecule," summarizes Dr. Fahmy.
Analyses of the genetic material were conducted at the HZDR by the doctoral candidate Hassan Khesbak. The DNA, which came from salmon testes, was initially prepared in thin films and then wetted with ultrafine doses of water within a few seconds. With the help of infrared spectroscopy, Hassan Khesbak was able to verify that the strength of hydrogen bonds varies and that water molecules exhibit different rest periods in such configurations. Oscillations of the water bonds in the hydration shell of the double helix can be excited by infrared light. The higher the frequency of the oscillation, the looser the hydrogen bond. It became apparent that the sugar components and the base pairs create particularly strong bonds with the water sheath while the bonds between the water and the phosphate groups are weaker. The results were published just recently in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
"DNA is, thus, a responsive material," explains Karim Fahmy. "By this, we refer to materials which react dynamically to varying conditions. The double helix structure, the strength of the hydrogen bonds, and even the DNA volume tend to change with higher water contents." Already today, genetic material is an extraordinarily versatile and interesting molecule for so-called DNA nanotechnology. Because with DNA it is possible to realize highly ordered structures with new optical, electronic, and mechanical properties at tiny dimensions which are also of interest for the HZDR. The bound water sheath is not just an integral part of such structures. It can also assume a precise switching function because the results indicate that increasing the hydration shell by only two water molecules per phosphate group may cause the DNA structure to "fold" instantly. Such water dependent switching processes might be able to control, for example, the release of active agents from DNA-based materials.
It does not come as a complete surprise that the water sheath of the genetic material is also of great relevance to the natural biological function of DNA. Because every biomolecule which is bound to the DNA has to first displace the water sheath. The Dresden scientists have analyzed this process for the peptide indolicidin. This antimicrobial protein is less structured and very flexible. That it still "identifies" the double helix so precisely is due to the fact that highly structured water molecules are released when it coalesces with the genetic material. The water sheath's restructuring, which is actually an energetic advantage, increases the binding of the active agent. Such details are really important for the development of DNA-binding drugs, for example, in cancer therapy because they can be ascertained with the method developed at the HZDR.

27 Apr 2011

    The inclined and vertical u-tube manometers are inexpensive and common in differential pressure measurements of flow meters like pitot tubes, orifices and nozzles
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    Pressure measuring devices using liquid columns in vertical or inclined tubes are called manometers. One of the most common is the water filled u-tube manometer used to measure pressure difference in pitot or orifices located in the airflow in air handling or ventilation system.
    Vertical U-Tube Manometer
    The pressure difference in a vertical U-Tube manometer can be expressed as
    pd = γ
        = ρ g h        (1)
    γ = specific weight of the fluid in the tube (kN/m3, lb/ft3 )
    ρ = density (kg/m3, lb/ft3)
    g = acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2, 32.174 ft/s2)
    h = liquid height (m, ft)
    The specific weight of water, which is the most commonly used fluid in u-tube manometers, is 9.81 kN/m3 or 62.4 lb/ft3.
    Example - Differential Pressure Measurement in an Orifice
    A water manometer connects the upstream and downstream of an orifice located in an air flow. The difference height of the water column is 10 mm.
    The pressure difference head can then be expressed as:
    pd = (9.8 kN/m3) (103 N/kN) (10 mm) (10-3 m/mm)
        = 98 N/m2 (Pa)
    9.8 (kN/m3) is the specific weight of water in SI-units.
    Inclined U-Tube Manometer
    Common problems when measuring pressure differences in low velocity systems as air ventilation system are the low column heights and satisfying accurately.
    The pressure difference in a inclined u-tube can be expressed as
    pd = γ h sin(θ)         (2)
    θ = angle of column relative the horizontal plane
    Inclining the tube manometer will increase the accuracy of the measurement.
    Example - Differential Pressure Measurement with an Inclined U-Tube manometer
    We use the same data as in the example above, except that the U-Tube is inclined to 45o.
    The pressure difference head can then be expressed as:
    pd = (9.8 kN/m3) (103 N/kN) (10 mm) (10-3 m/mm) sin(45)
        = 69.3 N/m2 (Pa)

Even Manuel Neuer can't stop rejuvenated Rooney and Manchester United on their march to Wembley

The Red Devils' mercurial striker finds redemption in Germany with a magnificent performance to put his side within touching distance of the Champions League final


Wayne Rooney was the last Manchester United staff member to board the team coach at the Veltins-Arena following a near-perfect display by club and player.

But there were no glances at watches or impatient glares in his direction. United’s motorbike police escort patiently lingered while Sir Alex Ferguson was deep in conversation at the front of the coach with
 a club official.

United had waited for more than half the season, indeed the best part of 12 months, for their talisman to rediscover the bullish brilliance that made him one of the most feared attackers in the game. Another 
five minutes would not make any difference.

Rooney was all smiles as he chatted to reporters and then signed autographs and posed for photos with executive Schalke and United supporters who had formed a long queue of appreciation outside the main

Deep in the bowels of this marvellous stadium he had even been prepared to address the embarrassing contract saga last October which had tarnished his image inside and outside of Old Trafford far more than lurid tabloid tales, the elbow on James McCarthy and the four-letter outpouring into a camera

The irony of being so close to leaving the club whose ambition he had questioned but who now have one hand on the Premier League trophy and a third Champions League final in four years firmly within their grasp was not lost on a sheepish-looking Rooney.

“I made a mistake,” he told his inquisitors. “I admitted that and apologised for that. That was in my mind a long time ago.

“When you look at it now, how wrong was I? We are one step from the final and in the league we are in a very strong position.”

Kicking into gear | Rooney's performance levels have shot up in recent weeks

The focus, Rooney added, was on being successful and adding to a medal haul that already includes three Premier League titles, two League Cups and the 2008 Champions League crown.

As the marquee games come thick and fast, United are looking stronger and stronger. Rooney, so ineffective as he struggled for acceleration, touch and the whereabouts of the goal in the first six months of the season, has been outstanding as a potentially momentous campaign for his club reaches its zenith.

Brilliant in the two Chelsea quarter-final games, he was even more majestic as he buried the ghosts of his 2006 World Cup shame. It had been here that a Rooney with more hair but less baggage had been dismissed for stamping on Ricardo Carvalho.

Against Schalke, Rooney was everywhere, pinging short and long-range passes, dropping deep, harrying and creating, linking expertly with Javier Hernandez in front of him, Antonio Valencia to his right and the midfielders and defenders to his rear.

It was a complete No.10 performance. After creating umpteen chances for Hernandez and company only to be denied by the superlative goalkeeping of Manuel Neuer, Rooney’s glorious reverse pass put Ryan Giggs through on goal in the 67th minute and the veteran calmly slotted between the German’s legs.

Two minutes later, the creator turned finisher. After being slid through by his partner-in-chaos, Hernandez, Rooney also opted for placement rather than power and Schalke’s goal was breached once again.

At times, it felt last night that we were watching the reincarnation of Peter Schmeichel, such was the astounding ability of Neuer to find an answer to the most inquisitive of questions thrown at him.

There were periods in the first half when it seemed that even if Sir Alex Ferguson had untied a flock of pigeons in the technical area with instructions to hone in on the Germany international’s goal, he would have calmly caught every one and placed them in a cage for safe keeping.
"Schalke were unceremoniously swept aside in front of their magnificent fans, who deserve great credit for their thunderous support here but who also acknowledged that United were operating on a different plane"

But not even the majestic, Bayern Munich-bound Neuer can stop United marching towards Wembley for another opportunity to close in on the Champions League trophy counts of Europe’s glitterati – Real Madrid, AC Milan, Liverpool, Ajax and Bayern Munich.

Schalke were unceremoniously swept aside in front of their magnificent blue-shirted fans, who deserve great credit for their thunderous support here but who also acknowledged that United were operating on a different planet.

Rooney’s standing ovation from the United fans when he was subbed in the 83rd minute was matched by applause from many sections of the Gelsenkirchen faithful.

The semi-final stage has been one step too far for a team who have punched far above their weight in Europe’s elite competition this season.

It will be a major surprise if the return leg is anything other than a procession for Ferguson’s hungry team, who are peaking at just the right time.

Rooney’s road to redemption has been a long and painful one. Increasingly, it seems that it has been worth the wait.

Manchester United Football Club Being the world's richest by Forbes Magazine 2011

| Manchester United (MU) from the city of Manchester England Club was crowned as the world's richest football club in 2011 version of Forbes. Not only that MU won the world's richest club predicate consecutive 7 years. Forbes magazine calculates the amount of wealth football club based on the amount of revenue, profits, losses, rather than based on the wealth of the owner of the club.

Manchester United retain his throne as the Forbes richest team on Wednesday (20 / 4). Achievement was the seventh time in a row won by Manchester United.Berdasarkan revenue, profits, and losses, Forbes released a wealth of Manchester United edged up to U.S. $ 1.86 billion (Rp 16 trillion).
Property Manchester United followed by Real Madrid and Arsenal. Real Madrid recorded a U.S. $ 1.4 billion (Rp 12 trillion). Meanwhile, Arsenal pocketed U.S. $ 1.19 billion (Rp 10 trillion).
Meanwhile, Barcelona fell to fifth shifted by Bayern Munich. Value of the Spanish League champions fell from U.S. $ 1 billion (USD 8.6 trillion) to $ 975 million (USD 8.4 trillion).
Executive Editor of Forbes, Mike Ozanian, said the decline in the value of Barcelona due to a combination of debt, the value of U.S. dollar strengthened, and uncertainty about the financial stability of companies that broadcast their games. (Tempointeraktif.com)

26 Apr 2011

White Water and Benefits for the Human Body?!!

Good morning, ..Although reading this article. Stay I say good morning, so we are always keep the spirit like the morning, ..EMH,. Last night chat out of water problems. What? White water, it is important yah, .. Wah-wah people like this who is not grateful for what is around him,. Hhee,Well,. Water was sounded mediocre our ears, we drink water every day. But we do not even think why should white water, "Because the cheap", hhee this right. In addition to White Water is also cheap to nourish our bodies.Please know Basically, our bodies contain 45-55 l of water. The content reaches 40-50% of all parts of the body.Brain and blood are two important organs that have a moisture content above 80%. The brain has a water component as much as 90%, while the water component of blood has 95%, wih our body consists of water. Next, we normally take about 2-3 liters a day or 8 glasses a day and for smokers such amount should be added half. The function of water to replace fluids that exit the body through urine, sweat, respiration, and secretion, you lose about 3.5 l of water a day even if just sitting around. Water will increasingly poured out of the body when you do a fairly strenuous activity. The doctors also recommend consuming 8-10 glasses of water every day for your metabolism running well and normal. So the importance of water for our bodies.What happens when we are short of water?Of the various articles that I grimy (hhee,. Maafsoalnya just learning). if we consume less than 8 glasses of water, the overall effect is not felt. Losing only 4% of the liquid will decrease your performance by 22%. If the fluid loss of more than 7%, you begin to feel weak, lethargic, and dizziness. And if it continues as a consequence, the body will balance itself by taking the source of the body's own components. Among the blood. Waduw taking of blood? Lack of water for blood is very dangerous for the body. Therefore, the blood will be thick. As a result, blood travel as a means of transport oxygen and nutrients can be disrupted.The blood is thick it will also pass through the kidney that functions as a filter or a tool to filter toxins from the blood. The kidneys have a very fine sieve, so if you have to filter the blood is thick then the kidneys must work extra hard (Work Rodi). It is not possible kidney could be damaged and will soon have dialysis or in medical language is called hemodialysis.That influence is less water on the blood work and kidney. Then what about the brain? Travel thick blood will also be hampered as it passes through the brain. In fact, brain cells are the most wasteful consumption of food and oxygen carried by blood. So that the function of brain cells is not running optimally and may even die. These conditions will increasingly lead to stroke. People who suffer from chronic dehydration can suffer neurological problems. The whole nervous system is a series of nerves that go through the water. Lack of drinking water can lead to thickening of the canal water, thickening of the water channel was marked with tumbulnya problems such as Attention Deficit Disorder, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Anxiety, Depression and even degenerative mental disorders such as Alzheimer's. And if the body does not get the required amount of water, following the joint cartilage which normally require water will thin out and could not protect the joints with baik.Hal thus was the cause joints and bones ache / pain. Wah-wah emergency klw kyak so, because it should not be short of water!
How Drinking Water is working?Drinking water with the correct method to purify the human body. It renders the colon more effective by forming new blood, known in medical terms as aematopaises. That mucousal folds of the colon and intestines are activated by this method, an undeniable fact, like the theory that new fresh blood is produced by mucousal fold. If the colon is cleaned then the nutrients of the food you eat several times a day will be absorbed and to work mucousal fold, nutritional food is turned into fresh blood. The blood is all important in curing ailments and restoring health, and therefore the water should be consumed regularly.How to do this therapy?1. In the morning when you get up from sleep (without even brushing your teeth) drink 1.5 liters of water ie, 5 to 6 glasses. Better premeasure 1.5 liters. After that you may continue to other morning activities.2. It is important to note that do not drink or eat anything an hour before and after drinking 1.5 liters of water.3. It has also been examined closely, that should not drink alcoholic beverages the night before.4. If possible, use warm water, boiled water or clear water that is filtered.
Is it possible to drink 1.5 liters of water at once?For starters, one may find it difficult to drink 1.5 liters of water at once, but will gradually get used to it. At first, when you exercise drink 4 glasses first and the remaining 2 cups drunk two minutes later. Initially you will urinate 2 to 3 times in one hour, but after a while, going back to normal. According to the research and experience, the following diseases are observed to be cured with this therapy in time:ü Constipation: 1 Dayü TB (tuberculosis) Lungs: 3 Monthsü Diabetes / Diabetes: 7 Daysü Acidity / Uric Acid: 2 Daysü High blood pressure and hypertension: 4 Weeksü Cancer: 4 WeeksIt is suggested that persons suffering from Arthritis or Rheumatism should implement this therapy three times a day, ie morning, noon, and night one hour before meals - for one week, then twice daily until healed. It is recommended that the method above to read and practiced carefully. Luaskanlah Spread this message to friends, relatives, and neighbors - because this is a gift to humanity.With the grace of God, every person should lead a healthy life. "When you participate in the dissemination of this information, you are like a doctor who had cured thousands and even millions of human beings."
Hopefully useful. : ")

24 Apr 2011

capacity of hard disk drives

The capacity of hard disk drives is frequently stated by manufacturers in megabytes (1 MB = 1,000,000 bytes), gigabytes (1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes) or terabytes (1 TB = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes). This numbering convention, where prefixes like kilo- and mega- denote powers of 1000, is also used for data transmission rates and DVD capacities. However, the convention is different from that used in the memory industry (i.e., RAM and ROM) and for CDs where prefixes like kilo- and mega- denote capacity in powers of 1024.

When the unit prefixes like kilo- denote powers of 1024 in the reporting of computer capacities, the 1024n progression (for n = 1, 2, …) is as follows:

    * kilo = 210 = 10241 = 1024,
    * mega = 220 = 10242 = 1,048,576,
    * giga = 230 = 10243 = 1,073,741,824,

and so forth.

The HDD industry practice of using prefixes assigned powers of 1000 to describe HDD capacity (storage) dates back to the earliest days of computing

The Memory industry practice of using the same prefixes but assigned to powers of 1024 to describe memory capacity also dates back to the earliest days of computing.

There is really no reason for this difference besides it just being convention to use powers of 1024 in reporting memory size. The computer itself does not internally represent the HDD (or memory) capacity as being in powers of 1024. Until the 1980s there was little confusion because the use of these prefixes were generally consistent within articles, product literature and marketing materials while operating systems and utilities reported exact decimal HDD capacity as long strings of decimal digits, without prefixes. For unknown reasons, beginning in the 1980s, operating systems and or utilities began reporting HDD capacity using prefixes denoting powers of 1024. Altering this practice to use conventional powers of 1000 could have been done at any time, including from the beginning; however, for some reason it just stuck this way for most of the computing industry.

In the case of “mega-,” there is a nearly 5% difference between its decimal definition used by the HDD industry and the powers-of-two definition used by the semiconductor industry for memory. The difference is compounded by 2.4% with each incrementally larger prefix (gigabyte, terabyte, et cetera). This discrepancy between the two conventions for reporting capacity has led to confusion and litigation.

Different operating systems report HDD capacity in different ways. Most operating systems and associated utilities including Microsoft's Windows use powers of 1024 prefixes to report HDD capacity. In such systems, an HDD specified by its manufacture as 1 TB would be reported as 931 GB leading to confusion over actual HDD capacity. Beginning August 2009 current versions of Apple's MacOS X operating system (version 10.6 and later) report HDD capacity using powers of 1000 prefixes and thereby avoids confusion as to HDD capacity by reporting capacity using the same symbols with the same meaning as the HDD industry.

Plaintiffs in two class action suits against HDD manufacturers argued that the use of decimal measurements (i.e., powers of 1000) effectively misled consumers (see Orin Safier v. Western Digital Corporation  and Cho v. Seagate Technology (US) Holdings, Inc.).

In December 1998, an international standards organization attempted to address these dual definitions of the conventional prefixes by proposing unique binary prefixes and prefix symbols to denote multiples of 1024, such as “mebibyte (MiB)”, which exclusively denotes 10242 or 1,048,576 bytes. In the over12 years that have since elapsed, the proposal has seen little adoption by the computer industry and the conventionally prefixed forms of “byte” continue to denote slightly different values depending on context.

Form factors

Mainframe and minicomputer hard disks were of widely varying dimensions, typically in free standing cabinets the size of washing machines (e.g. HP 7935 and DEC RP06 Disk Drives) or designed so that dimensions enabled placement in a 19" rack (e.g. Diablo Model 31). In 1962, IBM introduced its model 1311 disk, which used 14 inch (nominal size) platters. This became a standard size for mainframe and minicomputer drives for many years, but such large platters were never used with microprocessor-based systems.

With increasing sales of microcomputers having built in floppy-disk drives (FDDs), HDDs that would fit to the FDD mountings became desirable, and this led to the evolution of the market towards drives with certain Form factors, initially derived from the sizes of 8-inch, 5.25-inch, and 3.5-inch floppy disk drives. Smaller sizes than 3.5 inches have emerged as popular in the marketplace and/or been decided by various industry groups.

    * 8 inch: 9.5 in × 4.624 in × 14.25 in (241.3 mm × 117.5 mm × 362 mm)
      In 1979, Shugart Associates' SA1000 was the first form factor compatible HDD, having the same dimensions and a compatible interface to the 8″ FDD.
    * 5.25 inch: 5.75 in × 3.25 in × 8 in (146.1 mm × 82.55 mm × 203 mm)
      This smaller form factor, first used in an HDD by Seagate in 1980, was the same size as full-height 5+1⁄4-inch-diameter (130 mm) FDD, 3.25-inches high. This is twice as high as "half height"; i.e., 1.63 in (41.4 mm). Most desktop models of drives for optical 120 mm disks (DVD, CD) use the half height 5¼″ dimension, but it fell out of fashion for HDDs. The Quantum Bigfoot HDD was the last to use it in the late 1990s, with "low-profile" (≈25 mm) and "ultra-low-profile" (≈20 mm) high versions.
    * 3.5 inch: 4 in × 1 in × 5.75 in (101.6 mm × 25.4 mm × 146 mm) = 376.77344 cm³
      This smaller form factor, first used in an HDD by Rodime in 1983,[29] was the same size as the "half height" 3½″ FDD, i.e., 1.63 inches high. Today it has been largely superseded by 1-inch high "slimline" or "low-profile" versions of this form factor which is used by most desktop HDDs.
    * 2.5 inch: 2.75 in × 0.275–0.59 in × 3.945 in (69.85 mm × 7–15 mm × 100 mm) = 48.895–104.775 cm3
      This smaller form factor was introduced by PrairieTek in 1988;[30] there is no corresponding FDD. It is widely used today for hard-disk drives in mobile devices (laptops, music players, etc.) and as of 2008 replacing 3.5 inch enterprise-class drives. It is also used in the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360[citation needed] video game consoles. Today, the dominant height of this form factor is 9.5 mm for laptop drives (usually having two platters inside), but higher capacity drives have a height of 12.5 mm (usually having three platters). Enterprise-class drives can have a height up to 15 mm. Seagate has released a wafer-thin 7mm drive aimed at entry level laptops and high end netbooks in December 2009.
    * 1.8 inch: 54 mm × 8 mm × 71 mm = 30.672 cm³
      This form factor, originally introduced by Integral Peripherals in 1993, has evolved into the ATA-7 LIF with dimensions as stated. It was increasingly used in digital audio players and subnotebooks, but is rarely used today. An original variant exists for 2–5GB sized HDDs that fit directly into a PC card expansion slot. These became popular for their use in iPods and other HDD based MP3 players.
    * 1 inch: 42.8 mm × 5 mm × 36.4 mm
      This form factor was introduced in 1999 as IBM's Microdrive to fit inside a CF Type II slot. Samsung calls the same form factor "1.3 inch" drive in its product literature.
    * 0.85 inch: 24 mm × 5 mm × 32 mm
      Toshiba announced this form factor in January 2004[36] for use in mobile phones and similar applications, including SD/MMC slot compatible HDDs optimized for video storage on 4G handsets. Toshiba currently sells a 4 GB (MK4001MTD) and 8 GB (MK8003MTD) version [dead link] and holds the Guinness World Record for the smallest hard disk drive.

3.5-inch and 2.5-inch hard disks currently dominate the market.

By 2009 all manufacturers had discontinued the development of new products for the 1.3-inch, 1-inch and 0.85-inch form factors due to falling prices of flash memory, which is slightly more stable and resistant to damage from impact and/or dropping.

The inch-based nickname of all these form factors usually do not indicate any actual product dimension (which are specified in millimeters for more recent form factors), but just roughly indicate a size relative to disk diameters, in the interest of historic continuity.

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